Brazil is a World example for feeding beggars/street people

Brazil is a World example for feeding beggars/street people

 1)       SUMMARY –

This short Investigative and whistleblower/shame short article (04 pages) is about the immense difficulties of how to raise awareness and to change for the good a bad an hungry world in which only 1% of the total population PLUS their trillionaire families PLUS millions of daily stock market speculators PLUS the majority of rich world companies MORE their elected governments - some even perverse, lazy, highly ambitious, always valuing, much more, the weapons market and even other illicit products, etc. – they already to CONDEMN 11% of the world's population of beggars and abandoned of streets or of wars people (a large part even hidden they from the people and tourists in some rich and unjust countries) to starve daily (with just 0.05% of this wealth accumulated by the richest, speculators and vampires above, it would be possible to eradicate global food insecurity, according to the BIRD -World Bank). Also, this short article very well exemplifies about how Brazil - even though it already contributes a lot to help feed 1, 6 billion people/day in the World -, i.e. it is also the World example of how to feed (by symbolic prices) large part of the beggars more the abandoned people mainly in the capitals more in the big cities also even in small cities of Brazil. As giant example for World, in our capitals plus in our large cities - both with more than 100 thousand inhabitants - there is an excellent Federal Government plus local City Halls Program that already donate 3 very good and cheap daily meals for up to Us $ 0.40/unit in around in their 190 community and/or popular restaurants. Also, there are some others community restaurants owned by private companies, 12 of which are also in the capitals with food donated by the Coca-Cola Brazil (Program created since 2003 and which has already served 1.3 million meals) plus 05 community restaurants by the ASP – The Paraná State Social Action in Curitiba Capital - PR. Additionally, in our 5,246 small cities with up to 99 thousand inhabitants (equal to 94,3% of the 5,565 current cities in Brazil) - even though they are not yet served by the Federal more City Hall Program, as in the larger ones above, their hungry and abandoned people also do not go hungry or become destitute. For global example too, some City Halls in smaller cities are also setting up, also in different partnerships, some restaurants and popular kitchens with the same purposes as above, but with meals being sold for Us $ 1, 00/unit, that is, just a little more expensive, but still at low prices. Also, in the thousands of small cities in our giant interior and even far away - where there are still no donation programs by City Halls and their local bodies - there are also thousands of small bars, restaurants, bakeries, snack bars, food retailers plus family and/or neighbors etc. that donate a lot of food and up to 02 meals a day - still of good quality - between to 02 and 30 beggars/establishment, depending on its size, purpose and its location.

 2)       INTRODUCTION –

In addition, some canteens/small popular kitchens in some City Halls, hospitals, nursing homes, daycare centers, schools, etc. – all public - more by many restaurants, bars, snack bars (“food service”) plus food retailers more from Service Clubs, such as Rotary and Lions, more comes from thousands of small rural producers, especially neighboring family farming, etc. - all private - they also donate, daily, many foods and/or fresh “in natura” grains and fruits and still much of good quality meals to the millions of poor people more their hungry beggars and abandoned local people (plus their families and even their pets).

These is always good to remember that - in addition to our giant production of "in natura" grains (still with little ag-industrialization and its jobs for poorer Brazilians) plus millions of tons of roots/tubers/fruits plus various dry foods, meats, dairy products and drinks etc. - we are a giant tropical country, still with many natural resources and many forests/fields/savannahs not yet completely destroyed (by men plus their multinationals and their very ambitious global trading companies nor by the thousands of daily global speculators on Stock Exchanges etc.). Also, we have around 15 thousand, from small to large, usable watercourses (for irrigation, own or to be sold electrical generation, and/or protective dams) and we are snow-free; no glaciers; without deserts and where it rains a lot and for up to 7 months/year. Thus, our production of many essential items for the hungry, poor and abandoned world is huge (in strong expansions, and could even triple in another 50 years) and the prices of our food are low and/or decrease/increase every 6 months, allowing It is up to Governments, good entities and people to buy/sell much cheaper or even donate in times of excess, otherwise they end up losing/deteriorating.


 A) THE WORLD and its great trillionaires personal/families/some evil businessmen and thousand daily stock speculators groups (with its crescents ambitions only for very high personal profits + giant familiar and/or groups assets) plus its current mistakes and its injustices in more abandoned their 11% of word people as beggars hungry more their street dwellers and still their former combatants in its wars, even thinking that they are eternal, superiors and alone –

 The World is, once again, is quite unbalanced and unfair socially and nutritionally, which, in a short time, could lead to new revolts PLUS new radical behaviors (of the Nazi-fascist types) PLUS even a possible new World War. All of this, certainly, stems from the great controlling/directive/obligatory disinterest of the Governments more from politicians and bodies of global power, such as the UN, IBRD, IMF, etc., PLUS the extremely high and far-reaching unbridled ambitions of some people and/or their families MORE from very ambitious and evil global investors and millions of daily speculators on the Stock and/or Commodity Exchanges, etc.. Many already think they are eternal, superior and alone.

 In 2021, according to the IBRD (World Bank), for an average world “per capita” income of Us $ 58.7 thousand/person/year (a world already with 7.9 billion people and total wealth of Us $ 100,0 trillion GDP in 2002, expanding to Us $ 105,0 trillion in 2023 GDP), the rich - with 1.0% of the world population - had an average “per capita” income of Us $ 2,25 million/person/year; while the poor (50% of the population) only had, absurdly, Us $ 2,10 thousand/person/year, that is, with an income 1,000 times less than the rich. Obviously, the beggars, hungry and abandoned on the streets have almost nothing of reportable income, other than the few daily donations and alms, which they ask for and receive from good people. The world middle class - 9% of the population - had an average income of Us $ 247,2 thousand/person/year and the poor - 40% of the population - had an average “per capita” income of Us $ 32,2 thousand/person/year year.

 In 2023, the combined global fortune of the 22.8 million richest people was 5.1% higher compared to 2022 and of Us $ 86.8 trillion (interestingly, called HNWI “High-Net Worth Individuals”, that is, Individuals High Net Worth). It was also 3 times greater than the US GDP (Us $ 27.4 trillion) and, the worst thing, is that they are still very supported by their families, Governments, Companies, Employees and even by fanatical followers (in fact, they are much more blood-sucking vampires from the poorest and most of world abandoned people).

 In the world, the entire grain, food and beverage industry has already earned around Us $ 14.0 trillion/year in 2022, that is, around 14% of the total world GDP of Us $ 100,0 trillion in 2022, but expanding to Us $ 105,0 trillion in 2023 (IBRD), of which US$ 8.0 trillion comes from processed foods alone (FAO).

 Even so, it is estimated that around 828 million people in the world - around 11% of the total world population - still go to bed hungry every night (the majority of hungry people, beggars, ex-combatants and abandoned on the streets, with most of them very well hidden from the people and, above all, from tourists in rich countries, as is the case and I have seen in the USA, Germany, Holland, England, etc.), being with only 0.05% of accumulated wealth, and expanding, of these richest more speculators and vampires above, it would already be possible to eradicate global food insecurity, according to the IMF.

Its all stems comes from the fact that there is still no correct distribution of the high World income nor of charities occurring nor sufficient donations of food by the richest and others above, even allowing such excess food to lead to future losses. In fact, there is almost no shortage of food in the world, but its correct, constant and rapid distribution/destination - even if public and/or religious - is wrong, as there is no equal access for everyone. As a result, in 2021, 17% of the food produced in the world was lost or wasted.

 So, for there to be so much hunger in the world, it is a VERY VISIBLE WORLDWIDE SHAME and still, unfortunately, with few countries and bodies really acting against them, except some of the UN mandatory ones plus some religious ones – as “Agnus Dei”; “Caritas”; “Misereor” more some NGO for good as “Red Cross”; “Red Crescent”; MSF - Doctors Without Borders, etc. These have been operating much more and for years in hungry and sick Africa (although, very mineral and oil-rich, but with many, even tribal, wars) and, recently, also in the Gaza Strip – Palestine).

 However, in the USA, since 2010, also there is a new an “very good” NGO for good, the WCK “World Central Kitchen” = “World Kitchens” and with activities, and a large part of the resources also received through donations, all of the type from the well-known and recognized NGO also for good the MSF. The WCK is a “good” global NGO for good, neither religious nor partisan and clearly non-professional and never the type of hundreds of socio-environmental NGOs “for evil” that some operate much in Brazil and even some foreign ones (and which, they suspect -it is proven that they spend up to 70% of the costs of the expensive projects for which they are hired and/or of the donations they receive only with their salaries plus many vehicles, almost always new).

 In the contrary, the “WCK” was founded and is still run by a couple of "chefs" (cooks), who since 2010, when the earthquake in Haiti, have already done excellent “free” and proven work in several countries (through receipts also donations from third parties plus own resources), with highlights in the Haiti and the Palestinian Gaza Strip (where there are already 68 operational kitchens, even under bombing - with the deaths of 6 of their cooks - and which have already brought 1,300 recent trucks with food). They have also been active for a long time in other countries such as the Haiti and, recently, in the region of the war between Russia and Ukraine and, at the moment, they also have their kitchens feeding those affected by the floods even in the region of Porto Alegre - Brazil. Also in Brazil, the WCK helped with the preparation of meals (they are not operators or managers, but donors and preparers), during the heavy rains of 2022, which that hit many cities of Rio Janeiro state, Pernambuco state and Bahia state too.

 See more data and reports in English on the official website:, including to receive confidential donations.

 B) BRAZIL - A giant global example to help feed 1.6 billion people/day in the world to take care of and to nourish the beggars/hungry/abandoned on the streets for just Us$ 0.40 to Us $ 0.60/meal -

 In Brazil, the annual production of grains (295.4 million tons in this current 2023/24 harvest period, compared to 319.8 million tons in the previous harvest) plus its processed food (much of which comes from such grains) plus beverages and of other items already contributes to well feeding around 1.6 billion people in the world, but our total domestic food market only reached the value of Us$ 232,2 billion in 2021.

 In these cases, Brazil can also to be considered as a great global example of how to feed beggars and abandoned people on the streets every day, as it has a good network of community restaurants (also called “popular restaurants” and “community kitchens”).

They began to be created in 1940 and to serve up to 3 meals a day – high in calories, protein and of good quality – to the poor, beggars and abandoned people on the streets and all for a symbolic cost of between just Us $ 0.20/meal to Us $ 0.40/meal with around 1,500 calories and 20 grams of protein, including, with some of them, serving our “marmitex” (one aluminum vessel) to take away for those who cannot access it and/or for other meals of the day (the successful day dish it is our 100% Brazilian famous food named “feijoada” - swine meat/tendons/fats/skins/foot/ears mix + black beans food”- and the frequency of eating doubles on the days it is served). Nutritionists are mandatory in each restaurant, where around 87.0% of daily meals are lunches + 11.0% breakfasts + 0.2% dinners.

 Such popular restaurants in Brazil are more initiatives of the Federal Government with its MDS - Ministry of Development and Social Assistance and Combating Hunger; This government pays for the implantations more renovations plus the machinery, kitchens, equipment and necessary furniture, etc., but always in municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants and with specific local concentrations of many street dwellers, beggars, etc. (which are the priorities, although everyone can access them to take food to their human relatives and even their pets) and all in partnerships with the Municipal Governments of large cities and Governments of some states, which pay for the food costs, rent, electricity, water and staff, etc.

 Historically, everything became much more dynamic in Brazil after the famous “Zero Hunger Program”, created in 2003 and greatly encouraged by our well-known sociologist Betinho, now deceased, who created the IBASE in 1980 replacing the Solidarity Community Program and with the reactivation of the CONSEA Group.

 In all food Program (although with little recent, well-coordinated or reliable public data about it - almost secret or duly hidden for some erroneous reasons by Governments/City Halls - even because they are pride for our People, as a Mundial example), I estimate that it seems that there are already more than 190 restaurants in the country, 120 of which are in the city of São Paulo – SP alone (75 fixed plus 45 mobile) plus 16 in Brasília – DF (which have already served 10.0 million meals in 2023, of which 8.7 million lunches plus 1.1 million breakfasts plus 0.2 million dinners, which are national examples of these types of management); another 13 in Goiania Capital more at the interior of the State of Goiás; another 11 in Rio de Janeiro capital of  RJ, State (where there were already 16, and serving 37 thousand meals/day thus, reducing and contrary to the other States) and only 5 more in Belo Horizonte (the most expensive in the country at Us $ 0, 60/meal in 2022, despite serving an average of 8 thousand/day.

However, unfortunately, this main public program above, under the command of the MDS (Federal Government) – the Brazil Ministry of Social Development and Combating Hunger - has only been operating since 2004 in partnerships with City Halls in Capitals and large cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants.

 Also, with much praise, there are already up to 02 great examples comes from 01 private company more than 01 private foundation, participating and with equal restaurants, being Coca-Cola Brazil with 12 units in partnerships, with rents paid by City Halls, in 12 capitals or neighboring cities (Program created by the company since 2003 and which has already served 1.3 million meals) plus from the ASP – Social Action for the Paraná State with 05 restaurants in Curitiba - PR.

 Also - with much praise and in fairness - I have to inform and highlight that in such Capitals and large Cities (still the main focus of Governments and private companies above), obviously, there are many more restaurants, steakhouses, snack bars, bars, bakeries, stalls, snack trailers; i.e. “food service”, and even medium and small retail, etc., all of which are private (In Brazil have around 2.0 million “food service” establishments plus 4.6 million supermarkets and small food and beverage retailers etc.), also INCLUDED in small cities, districts, towns and rural communities etc.. but, unfortunately, not yet focused by Governments public more beggars/street people Private food Programs above.

 So, on the other hand, unfortunately, the thousands of City Halls in Brazil's smaller cities (5,246 small cities with up to 99 thousand inhabitants, equal to 94.3% of the 5,565 cities in Brazil in 2022, 73% of which have between 10 to 20 thousand inhabitants) cannot afford such necessary and daily meals and food, almost free and alone, and local hunger - MUCH GREATER (not least because with far fewer private restaurants, bars, cafeterias, bakeries etc., as mentioned above) - always the they even expel them to their municipal/regional hospitals and daycare centers and schools, otherwise they even eat garbage.

 However, the best thing is that, with such good examples above the popular restaurants of the MDS Programs and City Halls plus private restaurants for cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants, some City Halls in smaller cities are also setting up, also in different partnerships, some popular restaurants and kitchens with the same purposes as above, but with meals being sold for only Us $ 1.00/unit, that is, just a little more expensive, but still at very low price.

 So, in this 5,246 small cities with up to 99 thousand inhabitants even though they are not yet served by the Federal and State Governments, as in the larger ones above - in addition to some canteens/small popular kitchens in some City Halls, hospitals, nursing homes, daycare centers, schools, etc., all public, many restaurants, bars, snack bars (“food service”) plus food retailers and service clubs such as Rotary and Lions plus thousands of small rural producers, especially from neighboring family farming, etc. - all private - they also donate, daily, a lot of food and meals that are still of good quality to the millions of beggars and local abandoned people (more so to their families and even their pets).

 So, commendably, some of the thousands of private establishments above installed and selling in rural communities more in small poor villages, districts, poor and distant cities etc., fortunately, also collaborate a lot and, daily, donate to these beggars, abandoned, and to their hungry families (even their pets), many foods and meals still with good qualities, being most of them served/donated after the end of their service/sales hours (not leftovers or those to be disposed of in the trash). Without having reliable data on this,

I estimate that between small to medium-sized of them (from 30% to 70% depending on the location, size and type of food/meal); i.e., big parts of these 6.6 million total private establishments above already donate some foods and/or good meals to around 02 to 30 beggars/day. Also is very interestingly to describe - without my criticism or my point of view - that while in the USA more in the European countries there is a famous military saying/quotes that a real combatant never abandons another combatant isolated or injured in war, in Brazil - quite the opposite - there is also another very similar saying/quote, but in which a relative or a neighbor from the next door or neighboring house - even if they are both very poor and/or needy -, never let your other neighbor go hungry, thirsty, cold or without shelter.

 Unfortunately, for a small number of such beggars and abandoned people (some even addicted to urban and rural alcoholic beverages) in small villages, rural communities, etc. from their small towns (especially the elderly and those over 40 years old) still only have the option of continuing or returning to their neighboring farms (mini rural properties, with little real food available, but still with a little hunting, of fishing and extractives-roots-flours that are somewhat edible). However, in some of these farms, in addition to being unsafe for “themselves” and their families, do not have good food, sanitary, hygiene or treated water conditions for this purpose and, therefore, a large part of them end up getting sick quickly (many vermin diseases, famines and protein and vitamin deficiencies), so, returning to fill again these, already full, municipal hospitals, and/or even dying prematurely.


 Note: Due to its importance and fundamentality, this short article was also published in English on this Brazilian website ( and where - always serving the world's people free of charge - I already have around 850.0 thousand annual “page views”) more on Linkedn Brazil (where I already have 70.0 thousand annual page views, ditto) plus on (European) plus on (European) more on (organized by Berkeley professors - USA).

The Brasília Capital (DF) more on the Porto Seguro City (BA) - BRAZIL - on June 21, 2024

 Thank you for reading, analyzing and sharing.

 “The VIVAMELHOR AMBIENTAL BRAZIL THINK TANK” (a modern and faster socio-environmentalist/green & sustainable Energies Brazilian “think tank).

 For more details, just contact me only by email: [email protected]

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