O Novo Brasil que deixaremos para nossos filhos e netos

Climaco Cezar de Souza

É INEGÁVEL QUE O GOVERNO DILMA ESTÁ  PROMOVENDO UMA MUDANÇA RÁPIDA, QUASE SILENCIOSA, E DE ELEVADÍSSIMO CUNHO E RESULTADO SOCIOECONÔMICO E AMBIENTAL, FUTUROS, PARA O PAÍS, ao optar pela saída (entrada) para o Pacifico – via Peru, Chile e Bolívia - e pela maior aproximação e negócios com os BRIC e países da América do Sul.

Atualmente, o Brasil já é o 6º PIB Mundial e projeções para 2050, por diversos órgãos mundiais de renome, apontam para o seguinte posicionamento no PIB total: 1º) China; 2º) EUA; 3º) Índia; 4º) Brasil; 5º) Rússia; 6º) Japão; 7º) México; 8º) Indonésia; 9º) Reino Unido; 10º) França e 11º) Alemanha. DÁ PARA PERCEBER QUE AS MUDANÇAS PREVISTAS SÃO ESTARRECEDORAS E QUE BOA PARTE DA CRISE ATUAL NA UE-27 JÁ DECORRE DESTE SENTIMENTO.

Contudo, tais mudanças podem configurar-se tanto como excelentes oportunidades como por severas ameaças para as empresas e negócios atuais (de qualquer porte) e para os novos investimentos, externos ou internos, em toda a América. Afinal os Portos do Peru e alguns vizinhos, além de serem profundos - permitindo receber navios bem maiores e mais baratos - estão localizados a cerca de 2.000 km mais próximos da Ásia do que nossos portos do Sudeste e do Sul (considerados rasos,  demorados e com manutenções caras e constantes).

Fato é que estas substanciais mudanças - novas ferrovias e idem portos, hidroelétricas e hidrovias e reaparelhamento e modernização obrigatória das antigas - já estão ocorrendo; não têm retorno e devem todas estar concluídas até 2020, pois os recursos já estão integralmente assegurados nos PAC e em outros Planos (aliás, quem tem muita pressa agora é o Governo e nem tanto os empresários). Isto se percebe pelas já fortes migrações de retornos para as regiões Nordeste, Centro-Oeste e Norte. Com elas, vêm o desenvolvimento, as maiores demandas localizadas, as reduções dos custos (insumos e mão-de-obra bem mais baratos), as ampliações de preços recebidos (sobretudo por grãos e carnes no Centro-Oeste) etc.. e, ao final, a tão almejada distribuição da renda nacional, hoje muito concentrada nos Estados do Sul e do Sudeste e nas cidades mais próximas do mar (80% das pessoas no Brasil moram a até 200 km do mar ante 30% na Índia; 50% na China e 74% nos EUA).

No hiperlink a seguir, com apenas 10 minutos, você poderá ver as mudanças dos eixos de desenvolvimento previstos com a implantação das novas ferrovias. Trata-se de documentário ainda de 2008, mas válido em termos de metas e de resultados (boa parte, já foi implementada):

Vídeo de 7 minutos com detalhes sobre a Ferrovia Oeste-Leste, vinda de Ilheus (BA) ao encontro da Ferrovia Norte-Sul já em Figueirópolis (TO). A FIOL já está em construção, iniciando pelo Porto Publico-privado de Ilhéus-Aritaguá (em liberação ambiental para iniciar a construção em 2012):

Vídeo de 1,5 minutos com detalhes negociais sobre a Ferrovia
Transnordestina (a inaugurar em 2013):

Vídeo de 3,5 minutos sobre a situação atual da tão esperada e justa Transposição do Rio São Francisco, com o Governo reassumindo as obras e para inaugurar em 2014:

Apresentação Completa com 96 slides do nosso PROJETO PROMOCIONAL AGROVISION NOVO BRASIL 2020 com analises pormenorizadas, vantagens competitivas e as melhores oportunidades para investimentos nas novas regiões (auto-explicativa e em português e inglês):

Resumo com as principais conclusões do PROJETO PROMOCIONAL AGROVISION NOVO BRASIL 2020 (6 páginas em português e inglês):

Faças bons usos e podes re-enviar a vontade.

Dear Friend.


It is undeniable that DILMA GOVERNMENT IS PROVIDING A FAST AND INTELIGENT DEVELOPMENT CHANGES (ALMOST SILENT) AND WITH VERY HIGH FUTURE SOCIOECONOMIC AND SUSTAINABLE   TRANFORMATIONS AND VERY GOOD RESULTS FOR THE COUNTRY AND PEOPLE, by choosing the output (input) for the Pacific - via Peru, Chile and Bolivia - and for greater contact and business with the BRIC more the South America countries.

Currently, Brazil is already the 6th World GDP and projections for 2050, by several world-renowned agencies, suggests the following ranking in total GDP: 1) China; 2) USA; 3) India; 4) Brazil, 5) Russia; 6) Japan; 7) Mexico, 8) Indonesia; 9) United Kingdom; 10) and France 11) Germany. CAN YOU SEE THAT CHANGES FORECAST ARE ASTONISHING AND THAT GOOD PART OF THE CURRENT CRISIS IN THE EU-27 SHOULD HAVE OF THIS FEELING?

However, such changes in Brazil can set up as for excellent opportunities or for severe threats to business and current affairs (any size) and for new investments, external or internal, across South America and all America (forecasts very much profitable partnership of Brazil with BRIC). After all the offshore ports of Peru and some neighbors, besides being deep - allowing to receive much larger and cheaper ships - are located in areas with more cheap fertilizers and several cheap ore deposits in Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Brazil and better about 2,000 kilometers closer to Asia than our current ports in the Southeast and South (considered shallow, slow and constant expensive maintenance).

Fact is that these substantial development changes already occurring rapidly in Brazil - new railways, new ports and waterways and new hydroelectric equipment and modernization mandatory of the old rails – have no return and must all be completed by 2020, because the full resources are already provided in the PAC - Brazilian Program to Accelerate Growth and other plans (in fact, who is now in a hurry is the government not much businessmen).

This good change is already clearly perceived by the current strong people returns migration from rich Southeast region to the Northeast, Midwest and North Regions (still poor, but now with more jobs and greater potential for new more profitable investments and for best qualified workers, included in the giant and very profitable tourism sector with large and constants expansion). With them come the development, the greater demands, the localized reductions in costs (raw materials, transports and lands cheaper), enlargement price received (especially for grains, meats and dairies in the Midwest and for irrigated and natural fruits, tropical juices and wood forestry sustainable products in Northeast and North). Finally, we all expect occurs the much desired distribution of national income, now still highly concentrated in the South and Southeast Regions and cities closer to the sea (80% of people in Brazil live up to 200 km from the sea compared to 30% in India; 50% in China and 74% in the U.S.).

IN ADDITION, PLEASE SEE (few minutes):

Hyperlink video with only 10 minutes where you can see the changes in Brazil development priorities set out with the deployment of new railways, Ports, Hydropower, waterways etc,. It is still 2008 documentary, but valid in terms of targets and forecasts results (much has already been implemented). In resume, this video shows that Brazil will be cut by up to 8 years by large, fast and new efficient railroads, mostly focused on the west and deep ports of Peru, Chile and Bolivia (exit to the Pacific) and still on ports in the Northeast Region, much deeper, and closer to U.S. ports, the new Panama Canal and ports of Europe (the video don’t show old rails all in mandatory reforms and also no show the highways- these not current focus of development). Currently, only one third of Brazil's land are properly exploited because the transport costs of raw materials, inputs and products harvested or manufactured are still very expensive (current two thirds of Brazil are isolated and  blocked areas). With the new railroads as in cross, new ports and new hydroelectric, Brazil, after all, may be entirely well spent and totally secure and environmentally sustainable development.  Excluding fully protected areas of the Amazon Forest, only to recover degraded areas more new opened areas in the interior regions of country is estimated that there are still 206 million hectares for new plantations, leading Brazil to be able to produce over 1.2 billion tons of new grain per year to well feed the world (cconvertible into meat, dairy etc.): feature=player_embedded

Hyperlink with Video 7 minutes with business and opportunities details about the new East-West Railway - FIOL, coming from the future Ilheus East Harbor (State of BA) to meet the concluded new North-South Rail in Figueirópolis (State of TO) comes from the old Saint Louis Port on North and in more 5 year achieving the new and deep Peru Ports on West (2.000 km closer to Asia than current Southeast and South Ports). The FIOL already under construction, starting from the Public-Private Ilheus-Aritaguá Port (in environmental release to begin construction in 2012):

Link with 1,5 minute video with details about the potential of big business after the new Transnordestina Railway (in quickly construction to open in 2013):

Link with 3.5 minutes video on the current situation of the awaited and fair transposition water of the giant southeast São Francisco River (to irrigate the poorest and dry region northeast of Brazil), with the Government resuming the works and to usher in 2014:

Link with Complete pdf Presentation with 96 slides from our AGROVISION NEW BRAZIL 2020  PROMOTIONAL  PROJECT with detailed analysis, competitive advantages, insider information and better opportunities for investment in new regions (self-explanatory and in Portuguese and English):

Link summary with the main conclusions of our AGROVISION NEW BRAZIL 2020 PROMOTIONAL PROJECT (6 pages word in English and Portuguese white more insider information):


Make you good choices and invest well, safely and reliably in Brazil, if possible in good partnerships with local entrepreneurs or cooperatives or local farmers.

You will re-send.


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