Dubai: Many errors/false promise/bad intentions harm new COP
Firstly, I confess to your that writing an article/teaser on these subjects is becoming increasingly difficult, especially emotionally, as the world already has, increasingly and unfortunately, millions of “blind people” who don’t want to see more “deaf people” who close their “ears” and “senses”, especially by ambitious businesspeople; by deceived/deceptive rulers and even by scientists (as if they themselves and their families were perpetual).
Roasting under up to 45 degrees Celsius in the World and in Brazil, and already with problems of lack of water plus forest and mineral devastation throughout the world, companies - especially USA/UE/ASIAN multis - plus investors and world governments (including left-wing socialists peoples, like our current one central government) cannot understand, in any way, that the SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL-ENERGY turning point has already arrived for everyone and that man is ALREADY manufacturing his rapid extinction, but for himself and his animals, forests, etc.., in other words , biomes and biotas, including soils/subsoils/water bodies, which also pay for us.
Everything happens due to unbridled and growing global ambition, just behind even more profits and more dividends, etc. and generating few real jobs and developments in countries (including those already undergoing strong reductions via the internet and robotics, perhaps thanks to the Sectors and/or to the same companies/investors below, etc.), especially in the poorest and most underdeveloped countries.
“The great truth about global Co2 is that only 4 countries combined (China, USA, EU and India, in order) have already emitted more carbon than everyone else in the world in 2022. Furthermore, it is even worse to see that only in 2022, have they already increased such emissions by 1% compared to 2021.
How to stop them? How to raise awareness and even oblige your people to stop them?
“See in English at: ;
Please also see below: “The trajectory of the 10 largest countries of carbon emitters since the Paris Agreement (“the Energy sector of oil, coal, gas – mainly for electricity and heat/steam generation, as well as end uses in buildings and in manufacturing and construction, etc. represented 76% of global GHG emissions in 2019)” – Please see in Portuguese at:,das%20emiss%C3%B5es%20globais%20em%202019 ;
“Proving such statements against such types of large industries that pollute Co2 + methane, in Brazil, only in the very industrial state of São Paulo, ONLY 08 companies emitted 63% of all industrial Co2 in 2006, most of them from the petrochemical and steel sectors, processing and non-metallic minerals plus cement, cellulose and chemicals etc... “. Please see in Portuguese at:,do%20Meio%20Ambiente%20(Consema)
The Global Co2 emissions are estimated to only fall by 2% by 2030, which proves, once again, that highly polluting companies in the sectors named above (75% of total global Co2 emissions) do not want to reduce their emissions (on the contrary, they are expanding it even if a little – see before).
Since COP26 (and the global arrival of different types of energetic but very dangerous false Green H2 (being from 5 to 10 times more expensive than Gray H2 and Blue H2), they - in a good and magic trick - have already they begin to hide or shield themselves or focus on their production, even if still very expensive of their Green H2 to be obtained only from sustainable sources, already essential for the present and clean socio-environmental future mainly of Brazil.
In fact, what they most aim to do is use such ghostly and environmentally harmful productions (see here also my previous articles in English about them) of Green H2 in Brazil to clean up their socio-environmental and energy balances and, after, cleverly start to put, again, all the blame for the Mundial excess Co2, annual or already emitted, is solely due to emissions from the transport sectors (actually responsible for only 25% of total emissions and in slow but constant reduction) and even focusing on non-vehicle conversions, which could result in little real environmental change until 2030 and 2050 given the high needs. Please see in Portuguese at: ;
It all stems from the “not at all burdensome consciences of its businesspeople, shareholders, investors plus Governments and their Consultants and technicians, who do not even know what the SOCIOENVIRONMENTAL costs, damages and results of different types of H2 are and/or do not even realize that they are clearly being used by such above sectors and companies of large and giant sizes, highly real emitters and described above.
Even worse is that the rulers of rich countries - plus their investors, rentiers, dividend holders/stock speculators and their multis etc. very disappointing all world.
They want only the poorest countries more people to pay, increasingly, the global socio-environmental bills, proven to be much more caused by those rich, while they enchant the poorest countries with clear trinkets plus poisons and weapons.
The previous week, during the world COP 30 in Dubai, many global companies, linked to and making a lot of money historically from oil derivatives plus natural gas and coal – ALREADY proven to be highly HISTORIC polluters (with everyone practicing clearly many “greenwashing” and/or “environmental shame” concepts) - they had the shamelessness of presenting their possible falsely positive environmental balance sheets and justifications (while clearly they still to destroy everything and will continue to destroy them in their mines and factories).
The CEO, CTO, CFO and Directors or Marketing Agents of such companies maybe are no longer ashamed of making a clear mistake for the World.
So, at COP 28 - organized by the UN and held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates - there were a series of possible errors, already until admitted even by the organizers but with many false promises (many questioned, as they are little accepted as real, especially in real climate goals and real contributions of resources and partnerships) and many bad intentions and even actions (disguised/covered), both by large companies and by the many participating countries.
There were so many possible mistakes made in the recent COP 28 - as well as this giant one above (committed by the organizers themselves) - that the real and honest scientific and environmental world is already asking the UN and other organizing bodies and host governments to no longer convene such COPs, since they are already being used much more for governments to justify their mistakes and/or to take their technicians more as prizes and for tourism (with people paying, obviously) and/or for medium and large global companies from different sectors – especially oil, energy, mining, agribusiness, wood, etc. – all possible trying to circumvent their harmful and erroneous socio-environmental and energy actions and/or to try to hide or justify them in their erroneous socio-environmental balances.
In total, such highly polluting and expert industries above must have sent and paid up 10,000 LOBBYISTS to do something in favor of nature “sic” (not theirs) at the recent COP28, a failure in Dubai (the oil companies alone, demonstrably sent 2,400 LOBBYISTS).
So, unfortunately, with the continuation of such harmful and non-judgmental actions by the groups above in such COP and other similar climate events, what good will future electric vehicles do and what will be the real and near future of humanity, including the children of such LOBBYISTS, consultants and very BAD Governments.
So, as a consultant friend intelligently quoted me: “The layman in this sector, when reading this news, thinks everything will be fine. For example, I would be one of them. Without your comments, I would think that this would be possible.”
Thus, such global climate or energy conferences - supposedly life-saving, innovative and democratic - are already being widely used both by many governments, as well as by medium and large global companies from different sectors, especially oil/coal/natural gas plus thermoelectric plants, mining, agribusiness, timber, cellulose, agricultural machinery, etc., to try to circumvent their still harmful and erroneous socio-environmental and energy actions - in a very clear “Greenwashing, see below - and/or to try to hide them and/or justify them in their balance sheets erroneous socio-environmental issues.
See at the end of this, that these business sectors described above and combined, already emit 75% of the world's Co2 and that they still continue to increase annually, compared to only 25% emitted by the global transport sector and which already greatly reduces its share, since ethanol + biodiesel + flex engines from Brazil + EV Global Electric Vehicles Therefore, participating – and even paying a lot in such COPs, as in Dubai, and the many other similar global socio-environmental and renewable/sustainable energy Conferences are of extremely high strategic-financial necessity for them try to justify themselves or maybe even deceive the world.
Are the UN and some more serious Governments really prepared to refuse/detain them or reduce them or oblige them or, at least, filter them, classify them and even name them?
The position of the COP28 president on the central issue of COP28 became known on Sunday (3), after the revelation, by the British newspaper The Guardian, of a videoconference in which Mr. Jaber states “there is no science behind the goal of eliminating fossil fuels".
Also, the serious people of the world are already beginning to question themselves as to what these consecutive climate conferences are for, which are merely theoretical, marketing, even up lying, possibly made for global stage by large companies and countries.
Possible, they are becoming merely theoretical, marketing, even maybe liars and as possible giant global media stages for large companies and countries to blatantly lie in socio-environmental and energetic terms = “greenwashing” (skillfully taking advantage of the giant global media exposure), in addition to being conferences that are perhaps already very contaminated and only contain justifications and/or promises (most of which are already known to be impractical).
The socio-environmental and energy truth that is difficult for the people of the world to understand is that during the COP 28 in Dubai many global companies - linked to and historically making a lot of money from oil, natural gas and coal derivatives etc. - they had the nerve to present their falsely or their possible positive environmental assessments and justifications (although they clearly still destroy everything and will continue to destroy it in their mines and factories). Their intensive and fighting presence at COP28 took a very bad turn, because, everyone in the world already knows that they prove to be highly HISTORIC polluters (with almost all of them even clearly practicing a lot of “green washing” = “greenwashing” and/or concepts of “environmental shame” = “environmental shame”) -
Also, please to read: “COP28 President denies he doesn't respect climate science”.
More: “COP28 President denies using summit for oil deals”.
And “COP28 moment of truth’ for oil industry, says energy boss”.
More: Emirati-designated COP28 leader forcefully denies report UAE wanted to seek oil deals in summit. .
Even the largest energy company in Brazil – PETROBRAS – killed us with shame by possibly saying that it will still prioritize oil and its derivatives in the next 50 years, while completely forgetting about our Amazon where little or nothing invests in real environmental protection and ditto in revolutionary and truly fundamental and internal environmental cleaning projects, such as - fundamental and urgent for up 5,100 Brazilian municipalities – as for rapid syngasifications of raw waste, biomass, leftovers, waste, old tires, plastics, etc., where it could greatly collaborate and encourage and even demanding and generating a lot of electricity for poor municipalities and consumers.
In COP28, the term very misused by PETROBRAS, “OPEC+, placed the our Brazilian President Lula in contradiction, at the same time that he received celebrity treatment in the fight against global warming” – see in English “Oil taints Lula’s “green leadership” at COP28“ at: .
Also, in the recent case, highly negative and very damaging socio-environmental - by the mining and petrochemical giant, Braskem, in the Maceió City - Alagoas State (also present and perhaps advertising and justifying itself, even shamefully, in Dubai) - the situation seems to have been even worse, almost in a worldwide shame and entirely against Brazil and all our governments and bodies.
See about it in English: “Brazil's Braskem sued over sinking ground from Alagoas mines” = Braskem is sued for sinking mines in Alagoas, in the public link: -over-sinking-ground-alagoas-mines-2023-11-30/
Thus, the situation of this mining company became so serious before the whole world, that it almost had to - or even seems to have been forced - to abandon COP 28, which perhaps demonstrates and even proves what goes on behind the scenes. of such Conferences for good and what are the possible real objectives of many companies and Governments participating and even paying for their high costs - See Mina in Collapse: Braskem cancels participation in COP28 - See in Portuguese public link at: https://www.cnnbrasil /
See more about other giant Miner more petrochemical Brazilian Company and trying to hide or justify themselves environmental errors in the Dubai COP-28 too.
See: Brazil's Braskem sued over sinking ground from Alagoas ..
On the other hand (here now and how is my important current and future business tip, because it is a possible gigantic really sustainable business and with very high corporate profits to well explore), Brazil has around 5,500 municipalities in urgent need of such local environmental cleaning (we have billions of tons of municipal waste plus biomass and raw and daily waste being processed daily plus billions of tons of the same items - said to be dirty and not useful - already deposited many years ago in nefarious waste). They are all highly emitting greenhouse gases, but can easily be transformed locally to generate a lot of local electricity, which is much cheaper and more sustainable, producing many jobs and continued, honest and environmentally sustainable income throughout the municipalities. However, neither in Brazil nor throughout South America is there even one manufacturer of such cheap machines that have been widely used for hundreds of years in Asia and more recently in the USA and Europe - See at the end).
Why Central Brazil Government more many rich States Governments nothing is supported, financed or encouraged - including the arrivals of many syngasifiers for RSU fast cleaner/power and/or from biomasses, more old tires, more biomasses more food leftovers etc. by fast implantation of up 30.000 small or mediums modern and efficient syngasifiers machines manufacturers, being 1.000 to 3.000 only for MSW, but there would also be a gigantic demand for our total 350 thousand industries, around 170 thousand of which are food industries (current they are not yet manufactured in Brazil or South America).
We urgently need to convince, to encourage and even to finance dozens of syngasifiers manufacturers – cheap, proven effective and already successful - coming from the USA or China or India and others (both hundreds of small brands and giants such as Westinghouse/Alter NG, GEK, Mitsubishi, Hitachi/Toshiba, Lurgi, Outotec, Eqtec, Haiki, Chandepur, Ankur, Siemens etc. For biomasses syngas future projects, they could be processing both tree leftovers as very good timber until for export and comes from new commercial timber forests with new Brazilian trees with very quickly growth – up 5 years with 15-30 meters high, except from eucalyptus/Pinus for celluloses – all cultivated for this purpose more to sell Co2 for current effectives mitigations and or sales of Co2 future credits, these for world polluting companies.
These fantastic machines can even produce really green H2 gas for direct injection, all from the waste and debris above, since such syngas - concentrable, as already occurs in Australia - already contain from 33% to 43% of H2 at the output. such machines. All this would happen like in the legendary film "Back to the Future" in which the DeLorean vehicle was powered by urban waste, producing really clean, safe and effective H2 for direct injection, via SOFC fuel cells, and without storing anything.
Current, we have none manufactures or investors with Syngasifiers factories of such fantastic cleaner/powered machines in Brazil (and/or in South America too)? We need of the arrivals or national partnerships with manufacturers of modern and very efficient fast and very cheap syngasifiers to generate electrical energy - local residential and industrial or for sale - much cheaper and more reliable and even produce a lot of concentrable h2 (syngás - not to be confused with biogas or biomethane - already contains at the output of the machine, and without concentrating, a minimum of 33% of H2, according to data from Praxair-White Martins), all having as sources thousands of daily tons of discarded and even free raw materials, but dirty, that is, already very problematic, such as raw urban waste (MSW) more biomass such as old tires, plastics, leftovers from processing and CEASAS - Brazilian model of centralized supply centers and controlled storage of food plus its waste and its leftovers (as food, pruning of trees and lawns, etc.?
So, what do the Petrobras more the Braskem - see above - think about it? and what amounts are already invested in this? (it is even possible to actually produce your green and sustainable h2 from the concentration of such syngas from dirty waste and biomass, as is already done in Australia).
However, on the other hand, it is one thing to take the blame and even put money into a so-called Amazon Fund and others (which need to be real and serious and not yet in the current evil/expert formats or much of it via fantasy projects and even via NGOs) ; another thing - much more beneficial and socio-environmentally tangible - is to reforest degraded lands with new trees - see names and evidence below - much faster and much more carbon sequester than the adult trees of the Amazon and other forests (only beautiful and charming, but not very effective for this purpose); in addition to investing much more and supporting/importing - to even increase tenfold - the current Brazilian production of corn for ethanol/DDG.
Our corn is already Brazil's best current socio-environmental example for the world, and it will also be used for future direct hydrogen electric vehicles, truly green and sustainable, and without the need to store internally (see several more articles about it here on this same website).
Starting the debate entitled “Co2: If Transport only emits 25%, is ELECTRIFYING a solution?”, I ask you who might be using us around the world (especially customers/buyers/suppliers plus users, consumers and even responsible consultants) and even cheating:
1) Companies that are still few and small in revenue – compared to the others below – manufacturers of electric vehicles and similar (part of the world transports sector but that added current only emit 25% of the world's total Co2 into the atmosphere);
2) The, in much greater number and giant billers, companies highly polluting (part of many more sectors that added emit 75% of total world Co2) and their countries and investors (especially mining companies; heavy industries, steel/metallurgical/boiler plants; chemicals in general; thermoelectric plants; oil/coal/NG extraction, agricultural machines; cellulose, etc. and millions of other smaller/medium-sized ones, which mix/camouflage/deny everything socio-environmentally (such gigantic Co2 emissions, without worrying about other even more harmful gases), all to hide from their buyers, consumers and even governments (increasingly sold out or unprepared socio-environmentally and energetically) and even the good and honest media, all in such a way that they never accept their blame, responsibilities, burdens, costs, etc..? in other words, from anything that harms their colorful and beautiful corporate balance sheets, including many reservations and lies about support and socio-environmental and energy victories, which are truly sustainable.
So, I ask you if, on a global level, the entire transport sector only emits 25% of the total Co2, ELECTRIFY VEHICLES (EV) will they be THE BEST AND MOST URGENT solution? OR ARE WE JUST HELPING AND EVEN BEING USED FOR THE FINANCIAL SUCCESS OF A FEW INNOVATIVE GROUPS EM EV in the so-called fundamental energy transition that is fast approaching?
IF it is estimated that Co2 emissions will only fall by 2% by 2030, why is it that, once again, highly polluting companies in the sectors above and below named (responsible for 75% of total global Co2 emissions) do not want to reduce their emissions and they place, once again, all their blame solely on transport emissions (only 25% of total emissions) and even focusing on vehicle conversions, which can result in little real environmental change in the face of high needs and not at all heavy consciences of its entrepreneurs, shareholders, investors and governments”.
Why does no one in the business/governmental/media world condemn and demand results and investments, real AND IMMEDIATE, from the 75% worst emitters of Co2 above, more from the people and rulers of their countries, more from their investors, financiers, stock exchanges, etc.?
Honestly, what is most important for human beings and people today, including biomes and biotas, are the many items manufactured for years by the highly polluting companies above? (much of which are already dispensable in a situation of almost declared climate/socio-environmental-energy war) or the return of good climates that are much milder and less problematic and with much less destruction/fires/tidal waves/floods/falls of barriers, etc.? all for the real survival of each being and each family and the collective?
AND AS TO THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM, WHAT ARE THE ABOVE SECTORS AND COMPANIES THAT TOGETHER - QUIETLY AND/OR PROTECTED - ALREADY EMIT 75% OF THE WORLD'S Co2? Why does no one in Brazil report this? Is there little research and publication about pollution caused by them and their false environmental assessments followed, leaving us to look for data about more abroad? Why are these truths taboo in Brazil? Who and how and why do they defend, and why do governments, technicians, consultants and even NGOs and specialized press, etc. Are you so afraid of them or the Sectors?
Why in the world, publications, consultancies and specialized media mix/disguise so much (perhaps even paid for by the big emitters) the very high Co2 emissions (our biggest real and growing current problem) by the sectors above (trying to shield them?) with the emissions of all greenhouse gases? (Please, you can check and confirm this on the internet).
Another would be doubt: Why they always try to affirm - categorically and worldwide - (a highly suspicious situation, as it is hardly credible) that NOT EMITTING IS MUCH BETTER THAN KIDNAPPING, considering that thousands of years ago, we had millions of hectares of forests that were much more sequestering and, in the same way, very low levels of Co2?
About the future of the dangerous and very and very expensive Green H2, see the recent news: “Discovery of underground hydrogen could create a new 'gold rush' in the world”. See in Portuguese at .
Honestly, and wisely, the world does not need green H2, but much more pure water, sanitation and much more electricity, as long as it is cheap. H2 GREEN is just one way in which industries and mining companies (which today emit 75% of Co2) tried to sweeten their balance sheets, with our water and electricity (describing that they emit much less with them, in other words, doing charity with other people's money) and that are meeting the climate transition goals of each country and company, only at the same time placing the blame for such future emissions even more on them, in the transport sector's accounts (especially making it difficult to manufacture and sell electric vehicles) and which today, in the sum it only emits 25% of the total. SMARTNESS, SCAMMER AND WITH GOVERNMENTS AND EVEN CONSULTANTS, /RESEARCHERS AND PRESS - ALSO - MANY BEINGS SCAMMED/CORRUPTED.
Also, it is necessary to stop many bad or maliciously intended resources and even speeches, said to be support or external socio-environmental investments, but, clearly, aiming much more at the promotion of corporate/investor environmental marketing, today already called/abominated as “ecomarketing” or, worse, “greenwashing” (including in the predicted and infamous northeastern Brazil Green H2) and/or just the already very well-prepared justifications in corporate annual balance sheets, which are unreliable, which, in themselves and being so well-prepared and not very believable, already undermine any balance sheet. (See “Greenwashing: the lie of “sustainable” marketing as the Brazilian definition in Portuguese at
In Brazil - which was once the world's socio-environmental and sustainable energy example after the success of our ethanol plus biodiesel plus flex engines and now solar and photovoltaic energy - why this does not happen for the good of all and only technologies are supported/encouraged fanciful, little researched, high risk and that neither Europeans (especially Germans) nor Australians support anymore, like the green H2?
Brazil – 12/13/2023
Prof. MB Climaco Cezar de Souza
For more details (including for sending financial donations – and/or for honest socioenvironmental and energetics partners purposes/projects/consulting -, all for this this our global cause so noble and free, but for urgently expanding actuations), please contact me fast by email: [email protected] .